Adoption & Foster Care
Father's Heart exists to engage, educate, and support those involved in foster care and adoption. Many children in the world today need a forever family…a place where they can experience the Father’s Heart - His outrageous love for each of them. Yet in the Lake Norman area hundreds of children are currently part of the foster care system or have been legally released by their parents to be adopted.
Whether your family seeks to adopt, foster, or support other families who do, our goal is to provide opportunities for YOU to get involved caring for orphans! The possibilities are endless: making meals for families who have just received children, providing resources to be given in times of need, prayer and encouragement, serving our county and agency workers.
Whether your family seeks to adopt, foster, or support other families who do, our goal is to provide opportunities for YOU to get involved caring for orphans! The possibilities are endless: making meals for families who have just received children, providing resources to be given in times of need, prayer and encouragement, serving our county and agency workers.
Father’s Heart is an adoption and foster care ministry at Grace Covenant Church founded on James 1:27 "Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans…"
Foster Info
The Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services Adoption and Foster Care program assists children cleared for adoption with finding temporary placement within approved foster homes or permanent homes.
Foster Village
Foster Village Charlotte creates connection with dignity for children and families experiencing foster care by meeting urgent needs, providing educational and emotional support, and advocating as a collective community voice for children.