In His Image

Our Mission statement: “We celebrate and welcome individuals with all abilities and strive to be a place where all can worship and grow to love Jesus and serve others.” We offer ministry support that extends the love and message of Jesus Christ to children, teens and adults with special needs and/or disabilities and helps to incorporate them fully in the life of the church.

Children with Special Needs are invited and encouraged to participate fully in the array of Next Gen Ministries offered. We have programs at the 11am services for birth-12th grade. Some children with special needs benefit from accommodations or individualized support. Children and buddy volunteers are matched to assure appropriate supports and assistance are available each week so they can participate fully and successfully in classes with their same-aged peers.

Sensory Rooms & Buddy Bags

We have sensory rooms in each area. This therapeutic space includes equipment and toys designated to support students. The sensory room provides a safe and calm environment to promote relaxation, improve focus and encourage social interactions. If you feel your child (birth through 12th grade) would benefit from access to our sensory rooms, a buddy bag, or a buddy with them in their class please fill out the form below.  If you have any questions, please email Pastor Danielle (email link below). If you would like to meet in person to discuss your options please let us know.

Parent Support Group

The In His Image Parent Support Group intends to help parents find other parents and families who are sharing similar life experiences. Parenting a child or teen with a disability or extra needs can sometimes be a lonely journey, but you are not alone. Each meeting we will be offering a way for parents to connect, gain information from others, and reduce feelings of isolation through Bible study and real life testimonies. We encourage you to join our group that will meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 11am in Room 224 to seek God's word in the journey of parenting. Regular Sunday children's programming with In His Image team is provided. 

Adult Sunday School Class

We invite adults (ages 18 and over) with disabilities or special needs to join our group. Together, we will deepen our understanding of Jesus and grow in our relationship with Him. In addition, we will also have opportunities for socialization and building meaningful relationships with one another. We will meet the 1st Sunday of each month at 11am in Clanton Hall.